A Web conference on Tax Policy for Low-Income Americans will be co-hosted by UKCPR Director James Ziliak and Bradley Hardy, associate professor of public policy at Georgetown University, on Aug. 27. The conference is sponsored by the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin. The conference will feature research on the Earned Income Tax Credit and federal tax policy innovations and how those policies affect low-income families. Presentations will include research on work incentives for mothers after childbirth, how the EITC affects maternal time use, and how a child’s age affects the maternal labor supply. The conference -- scheduled for 1:00-4:05 p.m. EST, Friday, Aug. 27 -- will also include a roundtable discussion on innovations in child and universal tax credits with nationally known researchers. You may register online for the conference, which is offered at no-cost to those interested in issues affecting low-income Americans. See the agenda for the list of presenters.